Please come along to 19th annual Macmillan Coffee Morning
Julie Morgan, Cardiff North AM, would like to invite members of the public to come along to her 19th annual Macmillan Coffee Morning.
The event is being held in Whitchurch on Friday, September 27, from 9.30am-midday at the Brook Bistro on Merthyr Road.
The coffee morning has become a fixture in the Whitchurch calendar and it really brings the community together.
Last year it was attended by representatives from local schools, pupils, staff and governors, members of the health board and local councillors as well as members of the public.
Local traders on Whitchurch High Street also support the event and many generously donate prizes for the raffle.
Julie Morgan AM said: "I look forward to welcoming as many people as possible to this event and invite them to drop in for a cup of tea or coffee and slice of cake to help raise funds for such a worthy cause."