Julie Morgan AM for Cardiff North
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Julie Morgan MS for Cardiff North

Food deliveries update for constituents

Message from Julie Morgan, Assembly Member for Cardiff North:

Over the past week I have been contacted by numerous vulnerable constituents who have been unable to register with supermarkets for home deliveries.

As most constituents who got in touch were having trouble registering with Sainsbury’s, I wrote to its Chief Executive to express my concern that vulnerable customers in Wales were unable to register with them, and to also highlight the inability for people to get through to speak to someone when calling their phonelines. 

I have not yet received an official response from the Chief Executive, but in an email to all Assembly Members on March 31st, I have been reassured that Sainsbury’s is working very closely with the Welsh Government and expects there to be a government database available for vulnerable people living in Wales to register with imminently

Sainbury-400px.jpgThis group will be prioritised so that they can access home delivery slots if they have been unable to get through to Sainsbury’s to register. 

Elderly, vulnerable and disabled customers will continue to be prioritised by Sainsbury’s.

Welsh Government action on food deliveries

The Welsh Minister for Environment, Energy and Rural Affairs met representatives from the retail sector again this week (w/c March 31st) to discuss issues including the support they will be able to provide as the pandemic continues.  Retailers have committed to continuing to work with the Welsh Government, including prioritising food supplies for people who are shielding, the elderly, other vulnerable people and our NHS and care workers, as well as providing extra support for food banks.

Who will get a letter because they are 'extremely vulnerable'?

It has been announced that anyone who has received a letter from the Chief Medical Officer for Wales asking them to shield themselves for 12 weeks (75,000 people in Wales) because they are extremely vulnerable, will be able to request a free weekly food box delivery from their local authority, if they do not have support from friends or family.

The food service business providing the food box will deliver direct to the home. Packing, distribution and delivery to door is being handled by the suppliers.  The intention is to commence deliveries from the end of this week (w/c March 30).

Not everyone classed as vulnerable is being sent a letter about shielding – this group of 75,000 people are, for example, undergoing cancer treatment, have rare diseases or have had organ transplants. More information on those medically defined as ‘shielding’ can be found here: Welsh Government advice on shielding for the extremely vulnerable

Volunteer help with shopping from Cardiff Council

  • Cardiff Council has also launched its volunteer scheme, which includes helping vulnerable people with their shopping.
  • You will need to phone the Advice line on 029 2087 1071.
  • You will then be put in touch with volunteers who will be able to help.

I will keep in touch with constituents regarding this issue and am asking again about this issue today (April 2).
