Julie Morgan AM for Cardiff North
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Julie Morgan MS for Cardiff North

Coronavirus: Where to get up to date help and advice

Coronavirus: Up to date help and advice

FM-press-conference-April24-2020.jpgPublic Health Wales provides a daily update about the number of cases of coronavirus in Wales. It is available at: https://phw.nhs.wales/news/public-health-wales-statement-on-novel-coronavirus-outbreak/

Information about coronavirus is available on the Welsh Government’s website at https://gov.wales/coronavirus and https://llyw.cymru/coronafeirws

Queries about support for businesses, including about eligibility for the Economic Resilience Fund?

Visit the Business Wales website https://businesswales.gov.wales/coronavirus-advice/

If you can help the effort to produce PPE in Wales please visit https://businesswales.gov.wales/news-and-blogs/news/provision-critical-equipment-and-personal-protection-equipment-ppe 

For Welsh Government announcements and news

The Welsh Government holds a daily media briefing about coronavirus. These are on-the-record, on-camera and routinely supported by a BSL translator. They will be held at 12.30pm every week day.

They are live-streamed on our @WelshGovernment Twitter channel and are broadcast live on BBC One Wales, ITV Wales and S4C.

You can also watch on BBC iplayer.